Aug 15, 2008


I've made a new goal. I am going to run the Medical Center 10k Classic on October 25. It's in Bowling Green, Kentucky and it should be fun! Unfortunately, even though I ran a 5k in March. . . well, that's the problem, it was in MARCH. Booo. I injured myself shortly thereafter and then let my lazy butt sit on the couch for far too long. I can't run worth a darn (what is a darn worth anyway?) Now, I'm back on it! I found a program called C210k (couch to 10k.) It's online here. He says he can get you ready to run a 10k in 10 weeks and that is exactly how long I have! I started today and I am pumped. I love having a solid goal and timeline. It keeps me much more focused. It also helps me to keep my eating on target when I am working out so this will be an all around good thing! Wish me luck!


Mandi said...

This program is really cool, and quite smart as well. The concept is called surge training and is actually really effective for both endurance and weight loss. I am glad you linked to this because once I have this baby I have been wanting to start running using the surge training model, but until now I hadn't found a specific plan that was laid out with increasing goals for more than a week or two, so thanks! Good luck!

Brennie said...

Good for you CAN do it. I am so proud of you. :) Hey I started going back to the gym...still pretty sporadic, but I am trying.

Reesa said...

Mandi - Glad I can help, good luck when you get started!

Brennie - Thank you! I'm proud of you too!