Feb 10, 2008


Here's some pictures of our apartment at christmas.
This is the view when you walk in the
front door and look to your left.
This is the dining area which is to your
right when you walk through the door.This is the kitchen, where Paul works his magic
to create gourmet meals (he is a much better
cook than I am and I like it that way!)
Here's a great story: when Paul and I first moved into our apartment, we bought a bookshelf and a dvd shelf. I love to put furniture together so I quickly volunteered to do it. Well, Paul decided to cook dinner. His sister Lorrie called and asked what we were doing. He said, "well, my wife is in the front room building stuff, and I am in the kitchen doing the manly task of making dinner!" It was pretty funny!

This is our front room.

It is a very nice, big apartment and we have a pool so we both love it!

1 comment:

Phil and Sami Carter said...

I'm so glad that I found your blog page! I like it so much better than MySpace! So cute! You and your husband look so so so happy! Your apartment is cute to! Being married is so much more fun than highschool don't ya think???