Feb 10, 2009


And easy!

Here's the recipe for my
amazing peanut butter footballs.

1 cup peanut butter
2+ cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup melted butter or margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla

2 1/2 lbs of chocolate (the original recipe called for chocolate almond bark but I couldn't find any of that in hell, so I used semi-sweet and white chocolate chips.)

Mix peanut butter, sugar, butter and vanilla together until smooth and creamy. If it seems too sticky then add a little more powdered sugar. I think I ended up using 2 1/2 cups to get it to a good texture that wasn't too greasy feeling and would stick together. Just add extra sugar in very small amounts or the mixture will suddenly be too dry.

Shape your peanut butter however you desire. Roll it into balls, make footballs, little hearts, whatever. I do recommend making your shapes very small because this recipe is very rich. My footballs ended up about 3 inches long and I only ended up eating one because it was just too rich. Place on wax paper and chill. This is important! I didn't do this and it made dipping them in chocolate extremely difficult because then they smoosh and fall apart in the chocolate.

Melt your chocolate and then dip! Your fingers will get messy, just don't lick 'em until you're done! Place chocolate balls on wax paper until dry. I stuck mine in the freezer for about 5 minutes and then I could eat them faster!



caitlin said...

yum! you know i love the peanut butter, so i gots to try these!

Reesa said...

oh, you will love them!