Feb 10, 2009


For those of you who haven't heard, I live in HELL. Anyone remember this? Well, it got worse. A lot worse. Think same destruction but with 2-4 inches of ICE and then 3-5 inches of snow on top. Not exactly my ideal winter conditions. I live in hell.

Here's just a small sampling of the destruction.

So here's the story. On Jan. 27 it was freezing outside, high teens, low 20's. It started to rain. Yep, you heard right, rain. It should have been snowing with the temps that low, but whatever, that's what happens when you live in hell. So it rained and rained and rained. When the rain hit the ground, tree, car, etc. it froze solid. Then it just kept raining. And freezing. And raining. And freezing. And raining some more.
Our power went out around 5 or 5:30. Pauly called his work at 6:15pm (I was on a one week layoff) and asked if they were working the night shift or closing down. They said, "of course we're working!" like he was stupid for asking. I packed up some clothes and he took me to his sisters to stay the night. She has a gas fireplace so I wouldn't freeze to death in our powerless apt. Lucky her, her power never went out but everyone else in the fams did. That's where everyone ended up at some point.
He dropped me off after a scary drive on the frozen roads and headed to work. He barely made it in time but when he got there the place was dark and there wasn't a car left anywhere. That was at 7:20. So they must have decided to close the place down at, oh I don't know, 6:20, in order to have time to shut it all down and for all the workers to de-ice their cars enough to get in them and drive away. Jerks. Pauly had to turn around and drive back to his sisters house.
We all went to bed around 10:30 and not much later we started seeing what seemed like lightning lighting up the cloud covered sky, except it was green, pink, and blue. Strange. Then we were about to fall asleep when I heard the biggest crash and what sounded like an explosion. Tree limbs were falling everywhere. One huge one fell exactly in between his sisters house and their neighbors. There was so much crashing and thumps and explosions, then the strange lightning and sirens, that we couldn't sleep. A limb even fell on top of the bedroom we were sleeping in! Thankfully we didn't have any major damage that kept us from using any parts of the house. It was after 3 before we slept.
Turns out the lightning wasn't lightning, but was tree limbs crashing down on the power poles, hitting the transformers and causing explosions! There were several house fires as a result of this. People it was crazy!
Our power was only out for about 24 hours. Get this though. It has now been 3 weeks exactly and there are still people WITHOUT POWER. There are some people who have been told it may still be 2-3 weeks before they get power. 5+weeks without power! Oh my gosh! There was one area that was so hard hit, even worse than ours, that the county officials were telling people to leave the county! They said that if the residents had anywhere else to go, they needed to go, because it would be 3-4 weeks without power and they had a boil advisory on their water system.
Once businesses started opening, most were on cash payment only, something to do with the banks being closed and their credit card systems not working. The scary thing was, if you didn't have cash at home then you were out of luck, because the atms didn't work!
Can I come back to Utah?


caitlin said...

I love your labels! (save me save me now) You crack me up. Um I'm sorry that you live in Hell, but just one more reason that you should come home to us!

caitlin said...

Oh and that's the craziest story ever. Yes, come home, come home!

Reesa said...

Oh how I wish I could come home! Maybe sometime in the next few years. We are planning a two week trip this fall though! Pray that it works out for us!

Brennie said...

I can't wait for you to come. This place is for sure better then where you are. I am glad you guys are ok though.