Apr 25, 2008


What is his name? Paul Edward Lehr, Jr.
How long have you been married? Just over 1 year
How long did you date? 5 months and 3 days. What can I say, when it's right, it's right!
How old is he? 34
Who eats more sweets? Probably me
Who is taller? He is. He's 6 feet, I'm 5 feet!
Who can sing better? Probably me, he doesn't really ever sing.
Who is smarter? Oh, him for sure, he was smart enough to try to win me over! he he
His favorite food? Anything mexican
His favorite sport? Football. Go Steelers!
Who does the laundry? Both, but I do it a little more.
Who pays the bills? I Do
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you're standing at the foot of the bed facing it then I do.
Who mows the lawn? We don't have a lawn to mow, but when we do, I will be the one mowing!
Who drives? Probably half and half.
Who kissed who first? He did. He was my first kiss and it kind of freaked me out. But I sure liked it!
Who asked who out first? He asked me. He asked me multiple times and I kept telling him no because I was worried he might be a psycho (or the next Ted Bundy.) Then I gave in and the rest is history! Yay for Pauly's persistence!
Who proposed? Neither, we just started talking about getting married about 3 weeks after we started dating.
Who has more siblings? He does- He has 6 living and 2 deceased and I have 2.
Who wears the pants? We both do on the important things, but he likes to spoil me on the little things so I get to call the shots alot.

I love you so much Pauly! You are my bestest friend and I love being your wife! You're amazing and I thank Heavenly Father every day for bringing you into my life!

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